Registration Information


June 20 - 21, 2025

Dentist = DDS or DMD or Student
Staff Member = RDA, DA, RDH, Front Office Staff, and any Guest who is not a Dr.
Dental Students and Military must be Currently Active with Proof of Identification

Coffee and Tea $10, Lunch $50.00, Parking $20.00, Desert Social $30.00
are Included Free with Any Day Pass ( Total Value = $110 )

Classes Friday #102, #202, #301 and
Saturday #402, #502, #301 have an additional fees.

Group Discount on Day Passes Only
4 or More People Save 20%
7 or More People Save 25%
9 or More People Save 30% 
Must Register as a Group.

  • Includes 1 Staff member

  • Includes 1 Staff member

  • Friday and Saturday Class

You must select "1 Class" from each section of the day.

If you are not taking a class during that section you must select "NONE."

The attendee rules and regulations below are to ensure order and
fairness to all attendees during the CEA Event. By attending, you agree to abide by these rules and regulations.

Indemnification and Liability
The attendee assumes the sole and entire responsibility for any and all
bodily injury (including death) and damage to or loss of property that may be
sustained in connection with or resulting from attendees use of the
CEA Event. The attendee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CEA ,
loss or damage (including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses) that any
of them may sustain or be required to pay, in connection with, related to
or arising from their exhibition at the CEA Event, including any violation
by the attendee of these Rules and Regulations, except if such claim,
loss or damage results from the negligence, gross negligence or willful
misconduct of CEA. The maximum liability of CEA shall be limited to
the amounts paid by the attendee hereunder and in no even shall CEA
be liable for punitive, indirect, special or consequential damages.

All matters not covered in these regulations are subject to the decision
and control of, CEA, notwithstanding anything in the application for
space or contained in these regulations. CEA expressly reserves the
right to change the dates of the event; to transfer the event to another

Model Release, Photography Release

I hereby give CEA Dental, Chris ippolito and its representatives, employees, agents and assigns the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to use, reproduce, copyright and /or publish my likeness in photographic portraits or pictures of me, or in which I may be included in whole or in part, in conjunction with my own name and/or city of residence, made through any media or format, for art, advertising, trade or any other lawful purpose whatsoever at any time, without payment or other consideration. I acknowledge that all such images and prints shall be the property of the Junior League of Birmingham. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the advertising copy or other printed material that may be used in connection therewith, or the use in which it may be applied. I hereby release, discharge and agree to hold harmless CEA Dental from any and all claims, actions and liability relating to the use of such photographs. I have read and understand the contents of this release and confirm that I am aged 18 years or more and that I have signed this release intending to be legally bound by its terms

Whereas for valuable consideration hereby acknowledged as received, the Model granted the Photographer permission to photograph and/or film and sound record the Model and furthermore grant permission to use the resulting work ("the Work") according to the terms stated hereunder:

1. Any permission granted to the Photographer shall extend to his/her successors, legal representatives, licensees and assigns and shall be irrevocable and perpetual without any further or additional claim for compensation by the Model.

2. Use of the Work shall be unrestricted as to location, quantity or frequency, may be for any purpose and in any medium whatsoever, whether foreseen or unforeseen at this time, except where such use is in contravention of the law.

3. Permission is specifically granted for the Work to be edited, altered, distorted, used in whole or in part, in conjunction with other images, graphics, text and sound in any way whatsoever and without restrictions.

4. Permission herein granted is absolute and final and shall not be subject to further inspection or approval by the Model at any stage in the use of the Work.

5. Use of the Work may be in conjunction with the Model's own or fictitious names.

6. The Photographer shall own all rights in the Work which shall accrue to the benefit of his/her successors, legal representatives and assigns.

7. Notwithstanding the above, the following uses are specifically noted and agreed to and specific exclusions for use listed here shall take precedence and restrict the use of the

8. The Model warrants having read and understood this Model Release Agreement and warrants being of full legal age to enter into an agreement.

9. With full knowledge of the above, the Model hereby releases and shall hold harmless the Photographer and his/her successors, legal representatives, licensees and assigns from all claims or damages including but not limited to defamation or violation of right of privacy or publicity, resulting from or associated with the use of the Work.

10. The Model agrees that the provisions contained herein shall be binding upon the Model and his/her successors, legal representatives and assigns.

11. This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and should any provision of this Agreement be judged by an appropriate court as invalid, it shall not affect any of the remaining provisions whatsoever.

12. The parties agree that any or all parts of this agreement may be submitted to the other party in legible and recordable electronic form and upon acknowledgement of receipt by the receiving party shall become valid parts of the agreement.

Hold Harmless
To the fullest extent permitted by law, attendees shall indemnify,
defend and hold CEA, its subsidiaries, and their officers, employees and
agents, harmless from any and all liability that might ensue from any
cause whatsoever associated with attendees attendance at, exhibition
and use of space at CEA Event.

No verbal arrangement or any variation of this Agreement or its conditions is
binding on CEA unless confirmed, in writing, by CEA.

CEA performance, in whole or part, is subject to acts of nature, God, war
(whether declared or not), government regulation or advisory, disaster,
fire, earthquakes, accidents or other casualty, strikes or threats of strikes,
civil disorder, acts or threats of terrorism, government retaliation against
foreign enemies, lodging or other necessary facilities, or other causes
beyond CEA control making it illegal, impossible or commercially
impracticable to hold the CEA Event. CEA shall immediately notify
Attendee in the event termination.

All exhibits and respective contents are at the attendees sole risk.
Neither CEA nor any of its employees or agents will be responsible for
damage or loss by fire, riots, strikes, civil disturbance, weather, acts of
God, terrorism, disease, epidemic or war (Force Majure). Without in any
way detracting from the forgoing exculpation of liability.
Special individual company security must be contracted
by the attendee. In the event that the exhibition is barred, prevented,
or canceled due to Force Majure or other circumstances beyond the
control of CEA, then any refund of sums previously paid under the exhibit
contract shall be at the sole and exclusive discretion of CEA.

Smoking is prohibited at all times throughout the facility including
move in and move out hours.

CEA and Marina Village Conference Center will take every reasonable
precaution to prevent loss to Attendee goods, but under no
circumstances will CEA and/or Marina Village Conference Center
assume any responsibility for loss or damage to Attendee goods

On-Site Program
One (1) copy of the convention Onsite Program will be
available to each Attendee at the registration area.

Child Policy
Children are not allowed. However, non-ambulatory children are allowed
into the exhibit hall in a “snugglie” only.

Attendee will protect, indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless CEA
and its corporate parents, agents, officers, and employees against all
claims, liabilities, losses, damages, governmental charges, and costs
(including attorneys’ fees) arising out of, caused by, or related to (1)
attendees installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy, or use of the
attendee premises or any part thereof; (2) any act or omission to act
of attendee or its guests, invitees, employees, agents, or contractors;
(3) the use of any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual
property rights owned by a third party; or (4) any breach by attendee or
CEA of its obligation under this Contract. Attendee will protect,
indemnify, defend, and save the exhibit venue and the host city for the
Exposition, including its divisions and employees and agents, harmless
against all claims, losses, and damages to persons and property,
governmental charges and fines, and attorneys’ fees arising out of
or caused by attendees negligence, recklessness, or intentional
misconduct during the installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy
or use of the Exhibition premises or part thereof, excluding any such
liability caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentional
misconduct of the venue and the host city, or its divisions, employees
or agents.

The attendee and its representatives are expected to act at all times in a
professional manner. The attendee shall not infringe upon the rights
and privileges of another attendee. Any complaints regarding infractions
of the rules or disputes between Attendee should be made directly to
CEA or Chris Ippolito. Any decision by CEA shall be final, binding and
non-appealable. Unethical or criminal conduct or infraction of the rules
on the part of the attendee or its representatives will subject the
attendee or its representatives, or both, to ejection from the exhibit hall and
forfeiture of booth space and booth fee. In such an event, attendee
acknowledges that it shall not receive any refund.

Enforcement of Rules & Regulations
Any violation of these rules and regulations, in CEA sole discretion,
may result in the immediate closure and removal of the attendee. No refund fees will be
provided. The attendee may also be prohibited from participating in
future events. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of these Rules
and Regulations by the Attendee or a default by the Attendee of its
obligations CEA, the Attendee shall pay to CEA all attorneys’ fees and
costs incurred by CEA in connection with such breach, threatened breach or

Attendee Responsibilities

Attendee shall comply with each and every term of this contract, as
well as applicable rules, regulations, guidelines, by-laws, ordinances, or
regulation of any town, city, state, administrative, regulatory or
governing body. Attendee acknowledges that CEA shall make the final
decision with regard to implementation and/or enforcement.

Liability for Damages or Loss of Property
Notwithstanding the guard service provided by CEA for purposes of
general security in the exposition premises, the exhibitor shall protect,
indemnify, and hold harmless CEA, the exhibiting facility from any and
all liability, loss, damage, or expense by reason of any injury or injuries
sustained by any persons or property or loss of property or income that
might be derived therefrom occurring in or about the exposition premises or
entrances thereto or exits therefrom, including that caused by or resulting
from the negligence of CEA. The exhibiting facility shall not be responsible
or liable for any injury, loss, or damage to any property or person brought in
by the attendee or otherwise located in the exposition premises.

The attendee expressly agrees to be bound by all the terms,
conditions, and specifications herein listed and by the rules and regulations
established by CEA from time to time thereafter modified, and
expressly agrees that this contract and such rules and regulations contain
the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any prior
agreement, written or oral. This contract shall be interpreted under the law
of the United States and of the State of California.

Terms of Payment and Cancellations

CEA assumes no responsibility for the loss or theft material or
merchandise and urges the attendee to take every security precaution
and coverage to prevent loss. Security for individual booths is available @

Limitation of Liability
In case the premises are destroyed, or in case any circumstances
whatsoever, which shall make it impossible for CEA to permit any
attendee to occupy the premises, the attendee shall pay
for space only for the period the space was or could have been
occupied by such attendee. CEA is released from liability
of any kind and all claims for damage which might arise in
consequence thereof. In the that for any reason the exhibition is not
held as proposed, CEA , on refunding all monies received from an
attendee, shall be released from all claims for damage.
attendee agrees to pay promptly for any and all damage to the Exhibition
building or its equipment, incurred through carelessness or otherwise,
caused by the attendee, his/her/its employees, agents, contractors, and
representatives. Attendee acknowledges that CEA does not maintain
insurance covering damage, destruction, or loss of attendees property
and CEA assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to the
attendees property.

Although commercial security may be attendant throughout the Convention, you are
encouraged to secure small and valuable material. It
is expressly understood by the attendee that neither CEA nor its
employees, agents, or representatives shall be responsible for or
otherwise liable for damage or injury to attendee, including attendees
guests, invitees or agents person, business or property as a result of
robbery, fire, water, accident or any other cause whatsoever. Should loss
occur, attendee is encouraged to report it immediately to attendant

Attendee expressly holds CEA harmless and hereby expressly releases CEA from any and all
claims and actions, including without limitation, claims and action
arising out of the postponement or cancellation of the exhibition, and
claims and actions directly or indirectly related to any loss, damage or
injury incurred by attendee or attendees guests, invitees, agents,
servants, contractors or employees.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event this contract or any of the
terms of this contract are not enforceable by a court of competent
jurisdiction, attendee hereby expressly agree the maximum liability of
CEA arising out of any tort, contract, legal or equitable claim or
cause of action, whether cumulative or singular, joint or severally, shall
be limited to attendees payment to CEA.

CEA Dental offers No Cash Refunds to any event after purchase of ticket. You will receive a credits for the next event. You may use your credit balance at any future event.

Entire Agreement
These items constitute the entire agreement between the attendee and CEA ,
and such agreement may not be modified except in writing. If any
provision is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it is to that
extent deemed omitted and the remaining provisions will continue in full
force and effect. This Contract will be construed in accordance with the law
of the State of California, regardless of the location of the Exhibit or
attendee in any claim, action or proceeding shall be commenced in
the State of California.
I/we understand this becomes a binding contract
when it is accepted by attendee and CEA, Chris Ippolito
I/we have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.



Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software